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Sal Peer AKA Speer

The Innovator & Talking Head of The Global Pickup Conference



Sal Peer aka Speer is a world famous dating coach and founder of the Global Pickup Conference. He is, personally and professionally, a hoot.

After graduating, Speer came up with the highly original idea of "becoming a dating coach." In his youth he was rejected by almost every women he interacted with, seriously. Shortly thereafter, he became a roommate in the infamous "Project Miami" with VH1's Star Mystery and began running his weekly training sessions for VA, which he did until Winter 2007. Recently Speer joined forces with Vince "Hollywood" Kelvin from Seduction Coaching and togther they took over the "White House" of the pickup community. The legendary Project Hollywood from the best selling book The Game. Along the way Speer found himself as a feature in Cosmopolitan, Playboy, The Washington Post, MSNBC, TBD, TSB Magazine, Enterponuer, and Men's Health. He is also the author of a weekly newsletter to over 80,000 people.

From January 2007 - To Date, he runs the largest Men's Dating Conference in the world titled the Global Pickup Conference. Speer's focus in the industry led to appearing as a dating expert whenever TV came calling. He is well known for his pivotal role critiquing men's questionable behvoir choices in thirty seconds or less.

For the past four years, Speer has been in the spotlight as a professional talking head, making on-air appearances in MSNBC, CW, WB, Washington Post, Learning Annex, KTLA and others. He has done commentary for Love Systems, PUA Summit and has hosted events all over the world through his Global Conferences and Training Seminars.

Speer has a Facebook account, a Myspace page, a Tumbler, a Twitter, a Stumble Upon, a YouTube and a photogenic girlfriend who lives with him in Project Hollywood.

The Washington Post called Speer a "Johnny Depp Lookalike" VH1's Pickup Artist Mystery called him a "the best in the world." Vince Kelvin Founder of the PUA Summit called him a “Lifestyle Master." MSNBC reporter wrote that “When he gives you a hug, you get giddy and laugh — and I’m a guy,” and TSB Magazine named him “in the top 10 dating coachs in the world” in October of 2008. (He’s fairly sure they meant “infamous,” but he sees no need for a correction.) In May, the largest NY Mens Group named him the #1 best pickup artist in the world. He is getting a plaque made.

Speer got his start as a sales person and dating advisor for VH1's Star Mystery, writing articles and making sales calls for two years in the legendary "Project Miami" mansion. Shortly after, he refused to sign a development deal with Venusian Arts. (Mystery's Company) In the midst of running a successful tech company (Skytel Direct), Speer worked with a high profile business marketer, later becoming one of the most successful marketers to hit the internet. He also provides occasional video and written commentary for Area 51 Lifestyle.

His parents are still waiting for him to get a “real job” with microsoft.


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